If you have enough of the cracks and stains of your driveways and are dying to install a new, you’re most likely to be asked to choose: Concrete or asphalt? Although some roads are tuning black nowadays, concrete road paving is still quickly reaching the same popularity as asphalt, and the advantages of concrete can justify the statistics. Dallas Concrete Contractor for instance, provides services for concrete paving.  

Even though these two materials have the same purpose, and both are a mixture of stone and sands, there are still significant differences that you need to identify. 


Concrete or Asphalt? 

Concrete and asphalt both have advantages and disadvantages. When considering which to use, you need to take into consideration many factors such as climate conditions, budget, installation time, maintenance, and appearance.  


Read on to find out why concrete is the ideal material for any home and industrial projects. 


Concrete provides more visual options 

Asphalt-paved roads are easy to identify; they are typically dark gray to black while concrete is basically gray. However, unlike asphalt, concrete can be tinted or stained in different colors you prefer. You can even put patterns like bricks in concrete-paved roads through stamp or brush. 


Concrete driveways live longer than asphalt driveways 

The biggest pro in concrete-paved roads is its longevity. Roads in concrete could last for 20 to 40 years on average, which is four times longer than asphalt roads. This is because concrete is more resistant to freeze-thaw cycle and is more hearty compare to asphalt that tends to deteriorate easily over time. 


Concrete is more eco-friendly than asphalt 

On the one hand, concrete is a green material. Making concrete creates less pollution. Concrete is also produced from limestone, which is available almost everywhere.  


On the other hand, the process of melting asphalt produces greenhouse gasses. Asphalt is melted in new production (installation) and/or in recycling. And because asphalt requires regular repairs, asphalt roads regularly creates gasses contributing to environmental pollution. 


Concrete is costly than asphalt 

As a mix of sand and gravel, concrete roads live longer than asphalt. On average, it can cost 50 percent more per square foot. However, it costs more than asphalt-paved roads. But what makes it advantageous is that once installed, concrete does not require regular repair, unlike asphalt. Asphalt is not ideal for warmer climate compares to concrete that does not easily soften. 


Some Cons of Concrete 

  • Can be difficult to repair 
  • It stains easily 
  • It requires more budget than asphalt 


So, what is the final say? 

Are you still wondering which material to use? Even though concrete has cons like asphalt, concrete would still be a better option. The following sums up the above-stated advantages of concrete over asphalt:  

  • Asphalt cost considerably less but needs more regular maintenance 
  • Concrete lasts longer than asphalt 
  • Concrete provides more artistic avenues because it could be stamped with patterns and hued  with different colors 
  • Concrete is ideal for a warm climate, and is resistant to changing weathers 
  • Concrete is more environmentally friendly than asphalt